Advocating for Landscape Architecture

On May 8 we put down our pencils, logged out of AutoCAD and turned our attention to Washington, D.C., for American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Advocacy Day. Representing Oregon, Mayer/Reed Principal Jeramie Shane, ASLA, and landscape architect Laura Hartzell, ASLA Oregon President-Elect, chatted with federal leaders about the importance of landscape architecture and the issues that matter to us. 

They met virtually with the offices of Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden and Representatives Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer and asked them to consider cosponsoring two bills. The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (H.R. 1477 / S. 722) would allow the use of tax-exempt 529 savings plans to pay for professional licensure and continuing education – a change that would promote equity by reducing financial barriers in landscape architecture and other professions. Secondly, they discussed the Water Infrastructure Sustainability and Efficiency (WISE) Act (H.R. 2921), allowing more loan dollars from the EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund to be used for nature-based infrastructure projects. For example: green roofs, bioswales and filtration wetlands (like those at our current Clean Water Services’ Fernhill wetlands project in Forest Grove, Oregon). 

ASLA Advocacy Day helps inform national legislators about our profession and can influence policies that benefit landscape architecture professionals, and, by extension, the people and places we design for. We encourage everyone to contact their representatives about the issues that are important to them – your feedback matters.   

Design Approved for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Addition

Rendering by ZGF

“Yes, with enthusiasm!” The City of Portland Design Commission unanimously approved plans for an addition to Oregon Health & Science University’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at the Marquam Hill campus.

Led by ZGF Architects and Andersen Construction, with landscape architecture by Mayer/Reed, the project includes a new 11-story building with roof garden, a public plaza, upgrades to the current drop-off and parking areas and an access trail providing a much-needed connection between SW US Veteran’s Hospital Road and SW Lower Canyon Drive.

Site plan by Mayer/Reed

The design commission commended the team’s approach to the challenging, sloped site and applauded the thoughtful touches that embed the new addition into the existing campus and landscape. “I can’t think of a more skillful, subtle way to do it than the way you have,” stated Commission Chair Brian McCarter. “It fits like a glove.”

Rendering by ZGF
Posted: May 09, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed
Posted May 09, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed
Categories: PROJECTS 

A New Innovation Hub at University of Portland

A ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 4 celebrated the recent opening of the Shiley-Marcos Center for Design & Innovation at the University of Portland. Designed by Opsis Architecture, with wayfinding and donor recognition by Mayer/Reed, the building embodies the innovative spirit of Donald P. Shiley (UP alum and engineer) who attributed his professional success to collaboration and hands-on experimentation. An installation featuring the building’s namesake couple, Donald Shiley and Darlene Marcos Shiley, asks, “What if I followed my imagination? What if I wasn’t afraid to fail?” – encouraging future engineers to use the building’s makerspaces, labs and tools to tinker, dream and innovate.

Posted May 07, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed

A Viewpoint for All in the Columbia River Gorge

The Columbia River Gorge, an 85-mile-long national scenic corridor between Oregon and Washington, is revered for its spectacular vistas, stunning waterfalls, basalt cliffs and wildflower meadows. But while the numerous trails and viewpoints within this natural wonder are preserved for public use, few places are widely accessible.

The non-profit conservation group, Friends of the Columbia Gorge (Friends), is working to change that.

Friends is taking an accessible and inclusive approach to recreation development on two recently acquired properties in Washington: Cape Horn and Catherine Creek. Dubbed the Gorge Accessibility Project, this initiative invests in community partnerships to identify, understand and overcome the barriers people experience when visiting natural recreation areas. The parcel at Cape Horn, a former homestead with dramatic views and connections to Cape Horn Trail, is the first of the two projects.


To develop a concept for the Cape Horn site, Friends enlisted Mayer/Reed, DAO Architecture and an external steering committee to provide input and feedback. The team had several important questions to explore. How do we transform this site into a recreation space that is “open to all”? What makes a place welcoming to historically marginalized groups? And how do we ensure that everyone, regardless of background or ability, can partake in the joys of this iconic landscape?

Because barriers are not always physical, our team was determined look beyond the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to uncover the emotional and cultural barriers that hold people back from visiting Gorge recreation sites. Over the course of a year, we engaged in listening sessions with the steering committee (a diverse group composed of people with disabilities, families with young children, representatives of various advocacy organizations, as well as Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and members of the community. Their feedback was critical in helping the team understand what is important to people when visiting natural places and what stands in their way.

Themes that emerged included designing for a range of experiences and abilities, considering the diverse languages spoken in the region and habitat protection and restoration. The resulting concept for Cape Horn strikes a balance between developed recreational amenities and restored natural habitat. It includes a system of loop trails that will connect to the already established Cape Horn Trail (with plenty of benches to rest along the way), clear signage in English and Spanish and a large gathering pavilion for people to connect.


The vision is to create a safe and welcoming space for all at Cape Horn. This project will enable diverse communities to experience the beauty and wonder of the Gorge in ways they may not have before. Being a part of this team, and listening to and learning from our diverse community, has given us the rare opportunity to design a beautiful, natural, and universally accessible recreation space – something we hope will soon be the norm rather than the exception.

Posted: Apr 29, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed
Posted April 29, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed
Categories: PROJECTS