Crossing the Tilikum Crossing

MayerReedBridgePedal4Mayer/Reedies joined over 40,000 people who walked, biked or rolled over the Tilikum Crossing during Bridge Pedal 2015. It was a beautiful day and amazing way to celebrate our city of bridges.MayerReedBridgePedalbWe’re counting down to the opening of Portland’s newest bridge—just one month from today!

Posted August 12, 2015
Written by: Kathy Fry

Revolution in the Landscape: Re-experience the Halprin Fountains

Mayer/Reed was one of seven design teams invited to participate in a Design Week Portland event hosted by SEGD (Society for Experiential Graphic Design). Each team designed and produced a temporary installation along Lawrence Halprin’s masterpiece, the Portland Open Sequence.

Teams were asked to explore the role of graphic design in public space and consider: Can we inspire, educate, and promote interaction? How does this create a connection to our community and stewardship of our public spaces?

A magical evening transpired. Hundreds of Portlander’s joined us, beginning at Mayer/Reed’s installation “We Are All in This Together” at Keller fountain.

DWP SEGD Event MapMayerReed_DWP_2MayerReedDesignWeek“We Are All in This Together” Designed by Mayer/Reed

As Co-chair of the SEGD Portland Chapter with Mike Sauer, I had the honor of working with all the design teams to see their concepts become reality. My biggest impression of the night was seeing hundreds of people and their “glow” moving through the spaces as we walked toward the Source. It was surreal to see so many people experience the spaces together. Good show Portland, good show!

sm_20141007_DesignWeek_092“Words That Flow” Designed by Portland State University, Graphic Design
sm_20141007_DesignWeek_097“Dancers in the Park” Designed by Sticky Co.Arts
sm_20141007_DesignWeek_133“Perform” Designed by Second Story
20141007_DesignWeek_139“Urban Nature” Designed by Stefan Lesueur
20141007_DesignWeek_150 “Begin/End” Designed by Third Angle New Music and Gamut Arts
Posted October 15, 2014
Written by: Kathy Fry

Oct. 4-11 is Design Week Portland

Design Week PortlandDesign Week Portland is just one week away!  Mayer/Reed is excited to join our peers in a celebration of our city’s creative contributors. We all play a role in making Portland a place we love to live, work and play.

On Monday, October 6th, we welcome you into our studio for an open house. On Tuesday, October 7th from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, visit our installation at the Ira Keller Fountain as part of SEGD Portland’s “Revolution in the Landscape.”
Hope to see you next week!

Posted: Sep 29, 2014
Written by: Kathy Fry
Posted September 29, 2014
Written by: Kathy Fry
Categories: EVENTS 

Women Acting Sustainably: A Presentation

7 women. 7 minutes. 21 slides. On March 11, AIA ForWARD hosted Fast Forward, a night of Pecha Kucha style presentations on the theme, “Women Acting Sustainably.” My presentation, “Sustaining the Human Race Through Physical Activity” focused on inspiring people to see themselves as resources worthy of investment—active bodies lead to productive adults that, in turn, can fuel our economy and protect our environment.

I challenged the Portland design community attendees to consider ways to fold physical activity into the way we conduct business and in the spaces we design. I discussed our recent projects, the Outdoor Adventure at the Portland Children’s Museum, a fitness circuit course, and the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge as examples of spaces designed for movement. The Mayer/Reed designers behind these projects are committed to living physically active lives. We encouraged the audience to have a little fun, stand up and push the boundaries of social norms by participating in a set of exercises during the presentation.AIA FastForward Mayer/ReedAt the close of all 7 presentations, I was intrigued that many of the speakers focused on the social side of sustainability rather than on green building techniques. It made me proud to belong to a community in which environmentally sustainable design is already considered best practice and we can push ourselves to consider even more.