A New Era for Errol Heights Park

Errol Heights Park buzzed with excitement on June 1 as the community gathered to celebrate the reimagined park and surrounding street improvements. The much-anticipated updates (completed in January of this year by Portland Parks & Recreation) have quickly transformed the park into a neighborhood gem.  

The play areas were alive with activity, folks explored the elevated, accessible pathway that zigzags through the urban wetland and, overall, a sense of joy and gratitude filled the air. Community members shared personal stories about the journey to make this dream a reality; a ceremonial ribbon-cutting marked the beginning of a new era for the park and neighborhood. 

As landscape architect for the park, Mayer/Reed’s design relied heavily on public input. The resulting programming reflects the neighborhood’s passion for accessibility, inclusivity, community gathering and environmental protection. Revamped and ready for exploration – Errol Heights Park has something for everyone. 

Posted June 13, 2024
Written by: Mayer/Reed